4 / 6 / 23 Initiative

Looking for a way to become the best version of you in 2015? Checkout our newest initiative 4 / 6 / 23!

Put simply, 4 / 6 / 23 is your roadmap to optimum health.

  • 4 represents attending class 4x a week
  • 6 represents eating strict 6 days a week
  • 23 represents the 23 hours of the day you’re not in the gym

These numbers are simple for a reason. They act as a constant reminder of all areas on which we need to focus in order to achieve optimum health.

  • 4 – Frequency and consistency of exercise
  • 6 – Healthy eating
  • 23 – Focusing on health in other areas of your life (sleep, stress, daily habits, etc).

There is no shortage of information on how to stay healthy. The challenge is disseminating this information and making it simple enough to act on, which is why we created the 4 / 6 / 23 initiative.

We’ll be pushing this initiative throughout the year and will be constantly looking for ways to promote health and fitness via each category. A few examples of upcoming ways that we’re promoting 4 / 6 / 23 are below:

March/April Attendance Challenge – #4xChallenge
In March we’ll be focusing on 4x a week (or more) attendance. Be sure to sign-in to class! Anyone who averages 4x a week (or more) attendance will be entered into a drawing for a Prize Package. Also if you’ll post a picture of yourself at the gym with the hashtag #4xChallenge, you’ll be entered for chances at additional prizes.

May/June Nutrition Challenge – #6Strict
In April we’ll host a nutrition challenge emphasizing eating strict 6 days per week. We’ll post one video each week on how to prep healthy food in bulk on the weekend. Your challenge will be to follow the recipe and post a picture of your finished product to social media using the hashtag #6Strict (full details will be available in April).

Misty Meadows Farm CSA

To help you eat healthy, and to support local agriculture, we are partnering with Misty Meadows Farm this summer via a CSA (community supported agriculture). Starting in approx’ mid-May, Misty Meadows will deliver fresh fruits and veggies (grown on their farm) for a duration of 20 weeks! If we get at least 5 sign ups, they will make their delivery directly to the gym! You make a one time payment, and boom, you’ve got some of the freshest and healthiest food you can get your hands on (for 5 months)! They estimate each week’s quantity will be enough fruits/veggies for some families for a week, while others may want to treat it as a supplement to their groceries.

For more information, visit their website here, or grab a sign up form the next time you’re in the gym. Sign up soon so we can start making delivery arrangements!

July/August Health Challenge – #TheOther23
In may, we’ll be focusing on the 23 hours a day you’re not at the gym. We’ll be asking members to submit tips, tricks, and ideas on how to stay healthy outside of class. We’ll help select ideas worth publishing and will feature them on our website and social media outlets. Anyone who submits an idea and posts a picture  to social media of themselves being healthy outside of the gym using the hashtag #TheOther23 will be entered for a chance to win (prizes TBD, full details will be available in June).

Remember 4 / 6 / 23 is your roadmap –  Get to class, eat healthy, and focus on healthy habits outside of the gym!