New Albany, Tuesday, 04/10/18


*Testing Week*

“4B 50”
50 Pull-ups
50 Box Jumps (24, 20)
50 Burpees
50 RKBS (53, 35)
50 Sit-ups
50 Wall Balls (20/10, 14/9)
50 DUs
*25min cap


*No extra competitor work this week. Competitors should put all their effort and intensity into preparing for and executing tests.



A. 10 Mins to Complete 3 Rounds:
15 Inverted Rows
15 DB Weighted Step Ups/Side

B. EMOM x 12
1. Battle Rope
2. DB Hang Power Clean (30 sec/side)
3. DB Russian Twist
4. Speed Skaters



Whole30 Nutrition Challenge – Seminar May 6th – Rules Start May 14th.

Bounce back after Derby Season, and gear up for summer with our next nutrition challenge. For this challenge we’ll be completing a Whole30 to keep things new, and to help expand your nutritional toolbox. Here are just a few things you’ll get with this challenge:


  • A roadmap to eating clean, resetting your digestive system, and resetting your hormones
  • Access to our Whole 30 seminar led by 4B Coach and Whole 30 Certified Coach Mallory Froman
  • Daily emails and journal prompts to keep you on-track and motivated
  • Access to an exclusive Facebook group for challenge participants only
  • The accountability needed to stay strict for 30 days


Along with some important challenge details:


  • The challenge seminar will be Sunday, May 6th at 2:15pm
  • Whole 30 Rules go into effect on Monday, May 14th.
  • We’ll be hosting a Whole30 Pitch In and a going away party for coach Cory on Saturday, May 12th.
  • One male and female winner from each 4B location will receive a free month’s membership.
  • Challenge cost is $45.