New Albany, Tuesday, 05/15/18


*Base Week

6min Alt EMOM:
Odd: 30s Tempo Chin-ups
Even: 30s Tempo Ring Dips
*Tempo: 2s iso, 3-5s ecc

4 Rounds:
30s on, 30s off
Cal Row
Scoop Toss
Battle Rope Rotations



A. 5min Jump Rope

B. 6min EMOM:
Depth Drops
(12″ box, pause for 3 sec in the landing position)
*We’ll be building through plyometric progressions during our next cycle. Plyometrics use a ton of tendon and ligament strength along with coordination and thus take a long time to develop. Even the best athletes can get benefits out of working technique on depth jumps.



A. For Time:
50 Burpee Wall Balls

-Rest 2 Mins-

B. For Time:
50 Box Jump Overs

-Rest 2 Mins-

C. For Time:
50 KB Squat Cleans



  • This Saturday we’ll be tackling one of this year’s CrossFit Regional WODs – Triple 3 – but as two person teams. Our goal… See if we can best the Regional times :). 
  • “Murph” is coming up this Memorial Day @ 8:30am!