New Albany, Friday, 05/25/18

Load Week

15min to complete:
Barbell Bench Press
4×10 across
*Same weight as last week
-ss w-
15 Band Pull-Aparts
15 Serratus Punch

8min AMRAP
10 SA DB Push Press (50, 35)
30 DUs
10 Pull-ups
30 DUs
*5 right, then 5 left on push press




A. 3 Rounds:
12 Single Leg Goblet Squat (R)
12 Single Leg Goblet Squat (L)
35s False Grip Hang (rings)
*Rest as needed between movements and sets.

B. Prowler Push
4 Rounds of:
100m ME (90, 70)
2min rest after each effort



A. 10-1:
Sit Ups
Push Ups
Jump Squats
*1omin cap

B. 10-1
Speed Skaters with a jump
DB Snatch
Renegade Rows
*10min cap

Cash Out:
4 Sets:
15 SA Banded Rows/side
10 KB Diagonal Chops/Side



  • We’ve entered week 2 of the Whole30 Challenge! Great work to all of our challengers thus far! Hopefully we’ve all made it through the sugar withdrawal at this point! 
  • The Central East Regional kicks off this Friday – Head over to to checkout all the action.
  • “Murph” is this coming Monday (5/28) at 8:30am!