New Albany, Sunday, 07/08/18

*Deload Week / Throwback Week – Testing out our 5RM bench this week as well as pulling out a few WODs from the very first week was published back in 2001. 

Strength + Recovery
W/ a Partner
10min for Quality
5 Band Over / Unders (ea direction)
5 HK Rotational Throws (ea side)
20ft Suitcase “Tight Ropes” (ea direction)
10 Foot Banded Squats
*All w/ shoes off

15min AMRAP:
W/ a Partner
A: 100m Farmer Carry (53, 35)
B: AMRAP of:
10 Ring Rows
10 Sit-ups
10 Burpees
*Carry is gating factor. Pickup where partner left off. 
**Rx+ (70,53) 




  • Sign-up for a Functional Movement Screen in the lobby. All 4B members get 1 FMS and 1 retest a year included with their membership!