New Albany, Tuesday, 07/24/18

*Performance Week

Gymnastic Strength
12min to complete,
4 Rounds:
30s Pull-up Complex
2x15s HS Hold

Every 2min for 12min:
3 Pos Power Snatch
*Jump 5-10lbs each set to build to a moderate complex



3x Thru:
4 TGUs (2/side)
30s DB Hammer Curls
30s JM Press
30s Face Pulls

*WEEK 7 of our 8 week TGU progressions. Move up in load vs last week. Pick a light weight/resistance that will allow you to move nonstop for 30s on curls, pressdowns, and row



A. 1 Round every 5 Min x 3
200m Sprint
30 Goblet Squats
15 Burpees

B. 1 Round every 5 Min x 3
200m Sprint
30 Goblet Squats
15 Burpees



  • Our FMS Challenge is still in action. Sign-up for a Functional Movement Screen in the lobby at no extra charge (included in all 4B memberships)!