New Albany, Wednesday, 07/25/18
*Performance Week
Core Strength
Alt Tabata
4 Rounds:
20s Hollow Hold
10s Rest
20s Arch Hold
10s Rest
16min Ladder
Plate Sit-ups (15, 10)
Wall Balls (20, 14)
*200m run between each round
3 Rounds NFT:
5 Hollow Body KB Lowering
6-7x Thru
3s HS Hold
3s Negative
Kip to top
*Week 7 of our 8 week handstand progression. Building volume this week. Testing next week.
A. 8 Min EMOM:
1. 5 Chin Ups (3 sec neg) + ME Strict Push Ups
2. Rest
3. 5 Push Ups (3 sec neg) + ME Chin Ups
4. Rest
B. 8 Min EMOM:
45 on;15 off
1. Pulse Squats
2. Hanging Knee Raises
C. 8 Min EMOM:
45 on; 15 off
1. Plate GTOH
2. Alt. Plate Shuffles
- Our FMS Challenge is still in action. Sign-up for a Functional Movement Screen in the lobby at no extra charge (included in all 4B memberships)!