Friday Wod{03/28/14}
Main – CrossFit WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
4 Rounds of:
:15 of Jumping Jacks
:15 of Squats
:15 of Mountain Climbers
:15 of Jumping Squats
2 Minutes in Slingshot Squat
2 Minutes Anchored T-spine mobility
With Barbell:
5 Thrusters focusing on heels down
5 Thrusters focusing on explosive hips
5 Thrusters focusing on punching head through
5 Thrusters focusing on Breathing
5 Thrusters putting it all together
1×10 at RX’d weight
3 Burpees focusing on bringing chest down to start
3 Burpees focusing on using hips not shoulders to get up
3 Burpees focusing on wide feet
3 Burpees focusing on two feet jumping over bar
Metcon (Time)
Thrusters (95, 65)
Bar-Facing Burpees
2 minutes per side in Couch Stretch