Sweat Angels
We love when our members check in on Facebook and we love giving back. So, Four Barrel is proud to announce the Sweat Angels program to our community. What is Sweat Angels you ask? It’s a program by which CrossFitters can help give back by just doing CrossFit. Sounds awesome huh?
Facebook check ins at Four Barrel equal real world good. Sweat Angels does this by partnering with some of the best non-profits in the world. They let us know what’s needed, and we help out in any way that we can. It’s that simple:
Check in = Real World Good
So what does this mean for you?
It means get your butt to the gym every available class and MAKE SURE to check in on Facebook. We’ll keep you up to date on the amount of good done so all you have to do is use your membership (that you already pay for).
Get in Shape and Give back. Be a Sweat Angel.
*Text/Photos courtesy CrossFt Maximus