Monday WOD{11/10/14}

Louisville, Main – CrossFit WOD

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(No Measure)

400 M Run

Dynamic ROM

10 Burpees


Front Squat (5×5)


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

9 minute AMRAP

100-meter sprint

11 sit-ups

11 air squats

100-meter sprint

22 sit-ups

22 air squats

*add 11 to the sit-ups and air squats for each additional round

2-minutes of rest, followed by:

9 minute AMRAP

100-meter sprint

11 pushups

11 box jumps (RX 24”/20”)

100-meter sprint

22 pushups

22 box jumps (RX 24”/20”)

*add 11 to the pushups and box jumps for each round
*Score is total overall reps of the two amraps combined. Count the 100m run as 1rep per


Foam Roll Quads & Glutes