Competition {11/10/14}

Every 2min for 10min
5 Hang Power Cleans
*Start moderate and build into a heavy set of 5

Front Squat
5×5 @ 90% of 5RM
*2min rest between sets. If you don’t know your 5RM, build into it, and then complete 4×5 at 90% of the 5RM you just set.

8min EMOM:
1 Legless Rope Climb (15′)
(AFAP) The purpose of this drill is to train speed on the rope climb.

5 Rounds:
1min to complete:
15 Wall Balls (20, 14)
ME Airdyne for remainder of min
*4min rest between rounds
*Short Sprints with big rest. Go unbroken on wall balls, and haul ass on airdyne. Sub row if no airdyne is available