Competition {11/11/14}
Every 2min for 12min:
2 Snatch Pull + 1 Snatch
*Build into a moderate set, no misses. Pressing and snatchig in metcon so don’t blow shoulders out early on.
Strict Press
5×5 @ 90% of 5RM
*2min rest between sets. If you don’t know your 5RM, build into it, and then complete 4×5 at 90% of the 5RM you just set.
4 Rounds of:
15 GHDs
10 GHRs (3010)
10min EMOM:
8 Pistols (alt, 5 per)
5 T2B
1 Snatch (AHAP)
*Pick a snatch weight you can maintain throughout. The idea is to have to pull quickly and under fatigue. If you fail 2min in a row. Drop weight. Monitor shoulders and be safe.