Monthly Member Profile – Tom Geldermann

“How Crossfit found me” 

       My path to Crossfit started when Case Belcher’s brother Cole bought the house next to mine.  In the winter of 2011 they invited me over to their  “barn” to workout.   With the just a minimum of equipment, Olympic lifting and bodyweight exercises it felt like working out on the set of a Rocky movie.  Case would instruct Rick, Cole and I in Crossfit type workouts.  I spent most of the time in learning mode and not sure if these sessions were helping or hurting my triathlon training but it was fun working out with the Belcher family. 

         I joined Clark-Floyd Crossfit when it opened and quickly learned I was not flexible, not good at Olympic lifting, and definitely not good at the metcons.   There were a lot of new skills and movements to learn which was frustrating and humbling.  I kept going because I enjoyed the coaches and the improvements in strength and flexibility.      

         I’ve been competing in triathlons for 25 years.  In that time I’ve finished 9 Ironman’s including Hawaii in 1997.  You’d think with all that cardio training, weight and body fat issues would be the least of my worries, but my body composition never improved.  Since starting Crossfit 2012, I completed 2 Paleo Challenges and lost 15 pounds and reduced body fat to under 11%.  In 2013, I qualified for the Ironman 70.3 (half-ironman) World Championships by taking 2nd place in my age group at the Kansas 70.3.  I finished that year ranked 20th in the Ironman World ranking system.   In that time I also finished top 5 overall in numerous local tri’s.  Even taking 2nd  (2012) at the prestigious Belcher Lake Tri-not-to Hurl-athon. 

     The members of Four Barrel may have met some of my kids at Crossfit.  My son Joe lives in Wisconsin and comes to Crossfit whenever he is home.  My daughter Colleen is a junior at Providence and works out in the  LeanX class 3 times a week.  Emily is a freshman at Providence but not yet a Crossfitter, and she is reluctantly paleo during the Paleo Challenges.  We also have 2 cats (not Crossfitters but by nature paleo).  

      Joining Four Barrel has been the best investment I’ve made in my training in the last 3 years.  I’ve made improvements in strength, body composition, bike power and running speed.   More importantly, the coaches and other members provide such a positive atmosphere that missing a planned class is more painful than whatever was planned for that day. 

     Since its January, I’ll state some changes for 2015.  Always have a new skill to learn or improve upon (handstands then handstand pushups are the current focus).  “Embrace the suck” of difficult training days whether it’s the workout or the weather conditions on a bike or run.  Go easy on the easy days. 

 See you at the “box”.


Written by Tom Geldermann