Competition {1/24/15}
Every 2min for 6min:
3 Jerks
Every 2min for 6min:
2 Jerks
Every 2min for 6min:
1 Jerk
*Pull from blocks. Build into moderate triples and doubles, then into a heavy single
Clean Pulls
5×3 @ 110% of Clean Max
2min Rest Between Sets
Close Grip Bench Press
10min to build into a heavy single
3 Rounds, 1min Each:
DB Snatches (alt, 90, 60)
Box Jumps (24, 20)
RKBS (70, 53)
Push Press (95, 65)
Cal Row
*This is FGB format. Complete all 5 movements, then rest 1min after each round. Score is total accumulation of reps and calories. Push hard on each movement. Don’t sandbag one in hopes of getting more reps on another.