Competition (06/30/15)
Open Prep
*Deload Week
Every 2min for 10min:
Snatch Lift-off + Snatch
*For snatch lift-off pull to just above the knee and hold for 2sec, return to ground, then pull snatch. Build to a moderate complex over 5 sets
Strict Press
3×8 [7]
*Decrease load by at least 10lbs compared to last week. This is a deload week.
-superset with-
Strict Muscle Ups
*If not able to complete strict MUs, sub with strict ring pull-ups + strict ring dips
Bent over barbell row
3×8 [7]
*Decrease load by at least 10lbs compared to last week. This is a deload week.
-superset with-
Strict Tempo Push-ups
*3sec negative, explode to the top on push-ups
3 Rounds of:
500m Row
15 Thrusters (95, 65)
15 Pull-ups
Regional Prep
*This is a base week for Regional Prep. Volume and load will be moderate and will increase next week. A few notes if you’re just joining. (1) Be sure to complete a thorough warmup. (2) “-ss w-” stands for “superset with”… This means you’ll bounce back and forth between the two movements until all the sets are completed.
Also, please record your scores & questions in the comments section!
Every 2min for 10min:
2 Jerks
*Build to a heavy double before starting clock, then maintain for all 5 sets of E2MOM. Pull from blocks if available
Push Press
Build to a 5RM
4×5 at 90% of 5Rm
*Touch-n-go on push press. Don’t rest with bar on shoulders or overhead for long periods of time.
-ss w-
Stoney Stretch
4 Rounds of:
Min 1: ME Strict Ring MUs
Min 2: Front Lever Lowering (5sec neg per rep)
Min 3: 50 DUs
Min 4: Rest
For time:
5 Rounds of:
25 Cal Row
15 Thrusters (100, 65)
* Note time for every round before getting back on rower. Goal is to go unbroken and maintain no more than 30sec variation in any round.
4 Rounds NFT (not for time):
15 GHD Sit-ups
6 Glute/Ham Raises
*This is a base week for Barbell. Volume and load will be moderate and will increase next week. For many jumping into the program, this will likely be an overall increase in barbell volume. Be conservative when basing your percentages.
Also, please record your scores & questions in the comments section!
Jerk, back
-3/75% x 4
Power Snatch, hip
-3/70% x 4
*Power snatch from hang positioning at the hip.
Snatch Pull
-4/80% x 4
4 Rounds of:
50 DUs
200m Farmer’s Carry
10 Strict HSPU
*15 Min Cap. Pick a weight for farmer’s carry that doesn’t have to be sat down more than 2-3 times each round.