Competition (12/01/15)


A. Gymnastics
10min Alt EMOM:
Odd: 14 Pistols (alt)
Even: 3-4 MUs
*Focus on long and tight position in MU

B. Weightlifting
Every 90sec for 5 rounds:
3 Push Jerk
*Across. Build to a heavy set of 3 before starting working sets. Maintain for all 5 sets.

C. Accessory
Tall Kneeling Landmine Press
4×8 per arm
-ss w-
One Arm DB Row
4×8 per arm

D. Metcon
12-9-6 of:
Hang Squat Cleans (165, 115)
Deficit HSPUs (8″, 6″)

E. Conditioning
3x1000m Row
*4min rest between efforts. Hold times within 15sec.



A. Gymnastics
10min Alt EMOM:
Odd: 12 Pistols (alt)
Even: 3-4 MUs
*Focus on long and tight position in MU. If not able to complete MUs, sub 5 KIPPING C2B, and 5 ring dips

B. Metcon
12-9-6 of:
Hang Squat Cleans (135, 95)
Deficit HSPUs (8″, 6″)

C. Conditioning
3x1000m Row
*4min rest between efforts. Hold times within 15sec.