Bodybuilding / Physique Course
Looking to add some muscle shape or size? Sign-up for Four Barrel’s 8 week Bodybuilding / Physique Course. Details and program outline below:
- Personalized coaching, tracking, and program delivery developed by 4B Coaches and delivered through the True Coach App (see example below).
- Program is designed to meet the needs of the male and female athlete.
- In gym coaching each week – Saturdays from 10am – 11am at 4B New Albany.
- 3 days per week programming and homework (can be used as a supplement to your CrossFit or LeanX classes).
- New articles and content each week to keep you informed on nutrition, recovery, and tips and tricks to access your body’s maximum growth and functionality.
- 1st Course Focus: Bodybuilding / Physique (i.e. hypertrophy + adding shape / lean tissue). Extended time under tension with 4B’s own unique twist of functional, plus isolation movements to stimulate maximum lean tissue growth. A great addition for anyone looking to shore up weaknesses, lay a foundation for future strength, and improve aesthetic appearance.
- 8 weeks = $199 for members and $249 for non-members.
- We’re offering a $20 discount for the first 10 athletes who sign-up for this program. 1st program will be capped at 25 athletes.
Sign-ups will be in the Four Barrel lobby starting Monday, 1/28.
Non members can call 502-509-3801 or email to get on the list.