New Albany, Tuesday, 01/08/19
CROSSFIT*Performance Week StrengthSumo Deadlift5 x 3 *across @ 85 – 90% of 1RM Metcon15 min EMOMmin 1) Pistolsmin 2) HRPUmin 3) Strict Chin Ups…
CROSSFIT*Performance Week StrengthSumo Deadlift5 x 3 *across @ 85 – 90% of 1RM Metcon15 min EMOMmin 1) Pistolsmin 2) HRPUmin 3) Strict Chin Ups…
CROSSFIT* Performance Week StrengthPush Press5 x 3 *across @85 – 90% of 1RM Metcon4 Rounds30 Box Jumps (24, 20)20 SA DB Hang Snatch…
CROSSFIT Core Circuit3 Rounds10 Standing Rotational Med ball throws (Each Side)10 Side Bends10 Single Leg Pike Ups (Each Side) MetconFor time:30 – 20…
CROSSFITPartner WODFor Time:100 Hang Cleans (95#, 65#)100 Wall Balls (10′,9′) (20#,14#)100 Ring Rows COMPETITOR / EXTRA STRENGTHDeath By cal row:Starting at 8/5Increase EMOM…
CROSSFITWeightlifting2 Position Snatch(Above Knee + Floor)5 x 1+1*building StrengthFront Squat4 x 3 *across @ 85 – 90% of 1RM COMPETITOR / EXTRA STRENGTH5…