New Albany, Friday, 07/27/18
CROSSFIT *Performance Week Strength Deadlift Build to heavy 5 2×5 @ 90% Metcon 3,000m Row A: Row B: Farmers Hold *Partner A…
CROSSFIT *Performance Week Strength Deadlift Build to heavy 5 2×5 @ 90% Metcon 3,000m Row A: Row B: Farmers Hold *Partner A…
CROSSFIT *Performance Week Recovery / Mobility 10min for Quality: 10 Crossover Step-ups (5/side 10 Single Leg RDL (5/side) 5 Inch Worms 10…
CROSSFIT *Performance Week Core Strength Alt Tabata 4 Rounds: 20s Hollow Hold 10s Rest 20s Arch Hold 10s Rest Metcon 16min Ladder…
CROSSFIT *Performance Week Gymnastic Strength 12min to complete, 4 Rounds: 30s Pull-up Complex 2x15s HS Hold Weightlifting Every 2min for 12min: 3…
CROSSFIT *Performance Week Strength Back Squat Build to heavy 5 2×5 @ 90% Metcon For time: 100 DUs 100 Walking Lunges 100…