New Albany, Friday, 01/19/18
CROSSFIT *Load Week* Strength Front Squat: Build to a heavy 3 -then- 2 x 3 @ 85% of heavy 3 Metcon For Time:…
CROSSFIT *Load Week* Strength Front Squat: Build to a heavy 3 -then- 2 x 3 @ 85% of heavy 3 Metcon For Time:…
CROSSFIT *Load Week* **Bring A Friend Day** With a Partner, 3 Rounds for time: 50 Ring Rows 50 Air Squats 50 Push-ups 50…
CROSSFIT *Load Week* WOD EMOM x 20 min Min 1) Pull Ups Min 2) Box Jump Overs Min 3) HSPU Min 4) Row…
CROSSFIT *Load Week* Correctives / Activation 1 Round 20 Banded Scaptions 20 Serratus Punch 20 External Rotation 20 Straigh Arm Pull Aparts 20…
CROSSFIT *Base Week* Correctives / Activation 2 Rounds: 20 Deadbugs 5 Quadruped Hip CARs /side 5 SA KB Front Squats /side Weightlifting Clean…