A. Gymnastics + Warmup
8min Alt EMOM:
Odd: 50ft HS Walk
Even: Rest
*Sub 40 shoulder taps if not able to complete HS walk
B. Weightlifting
Every 2min for 12min:
3 Push Jerk
*Build to a heavy triple over course of 6 sets
C. Accessory
HK Bottoms Up KB Press
*Ribs down. Finish with bicep stacked by ear.
-ss w-
Supine Ring Rows
*Use an elevation that allows you to get 8 full ROM reps every set
D. Metcon
8min Ladder
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc of:
Front Squat
*Male: BW on bar
*Female: .85 BW on bar
E. Conditioning
DU Tabata
2min rest
Sit-up Tabata
2min rest
Push-up Tabata
*Record score for each Tabata. Score is lowest number in any round.
A. Weightlifting
Every 2min for 12min:
3 Push Jerk
*Build to a heavy triple over course of 6 sets
B. Metcon
8min Ladder
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc of:
Front Squat
*Male: .75 on bar
*Female: .55 BW on bar
C. Conditioning
DU Tabata
2min rest
Sit-up Tabata
2min rest
Push-up Tabata
*Record score for each Tabata. Score is lowest number in any round.
Sarah Schulz King says
A: shoulder taps, got 40 each min
B. 145#
C. Did it
D. 27 reps (6+6) – shoulders burned out from A/B
E. 12, 11, 7
Camille Goldman says
A. Class 115, anxious to try form next time
B. Done one mat struggled with last two in 7 and 8
95# front squats
C. Class 45 reps