A. Gymnastics + Warmup
3 Rounds NFT:
16 C2B
8 Strict Ring Dips
6 One Leg Box Jumps (R)
6 One Leg Bos Jumps (L)
B. Barbell Conditioning
Push Jerk
12min to find a heavy single
8min EMOM:
3 Push Jerk @ 80% of above
*Drop to 75, then 70% if you miss 1 or more reps within the minute
C. Accessory
Weighted Hip Thrusts
-ss w-
Single Leg KB RDL
D. Metcon
12min Alt EMOM:
Odd: 10 Deadlifts (185, 130)
Even: AMRAP Burpees over bar
*Score is lowest number of burpees in any round.
A. Gymnastics + Warmup
3 Rounds NFT:
12 C2B
8 Strict Ring Dips
6 One Leg Box Jumps (R)
6 One Leg Bos Jumps (L)
B. Accessory
Weighted Hip Thrusts
-ss w-
Single Leg KB RDL
C. Metcon
12min Alt EMOM:
Odd: 10 Deadlifts (155, 110)
Even: AMRAP Burpees over bar
*Score is lowest number of burpees in any round.
Sarah Schulz King says
Trying to remember to record these!
Did Regional Prep, but did A in Open
A. Did one leg BJ to small box
B. 160# Jerk, EMOM at 125#
C. Did thrusts at 65#
D. 10 Burpees each round, should’ve gone for 11-12 in hindsight!
Karlie says
A. 12 inch single leg bj. Dips sets of 2 or 3 strict at a time.
B. 25# SLDL
C. 110#, 17 burpees each round.