Competition (01/16/16)


A. Gymnastics + Warmup
4 Rounds:
Min 1: 12-15 Cal Row
Min 2: 30sec C2B Pull-ups
Min 3: 30sec HSPU
*Record score for each round of C2B Pull-ups & HSPU

B. Weightlifting
Dead Hang Snatch
*start light, build to moderate
Snatch, below knee
*build to a heavy double

C. Metcon
Partner Relay
20min AMRAP
15 RKBS (53, 35)
10 Cal Row
5 DB Box Step-Overs (50#,24″, 35#/20″)
*Partner A completes entire round, then tags partner B. Score is total combined rounds

D. Conditioning
200m Sprint
-rest 1min-
400m Sprint
-rest 2min-
800m Run
-rest 3min-
800m Run
-rest 3min-
400m Sprint
-rest 2min-
200m Sprint



A. Gymnastics + Warmup
4 Rounds:
Min 1: 12-15 Cal Row
Min 2: 30sec C2B Pull-ups
Min 3: 30sec HSPU
*Record score for each round of C2B Pull-ups & HSPU

B. Weightlifting
Dead Hang Snatch
*start light, build to moderate
Snatch, below knee
*build to a heavy double

C. Metcon
Partner Relay
20min AMRAP
15 RKBS (53, 35)
10 Cal Row
5 DB Box Step-Overs (50#,24″, 35#/20″)
*Partner A completes entire round, then tags partner B. Score is total combined rounds