*Adding in recommended correctives and mobility for each day (it will most often be section A). General warmup and ROM should still be completed prior.
A. Correctives
Shoulder Sweeps
KB Arm Bar Row
B. Gymnastics + Warmup
4 Rounds NFT:
3 Skin the Cats
6 Candle Sticks
20sec Handstand Hold
*Freestanding on HS Hold if possible. Accumulate 30sec if not able to complete UB
C. Barbell Skill
Snatch Balance
*Build to a moderate triple. This is more so warmup for the next section
D. Weightlifting
12min to build to a heavy single
*Training single.
E. Metcon
7min AMRAP:
10 Power Snatches (75, 55)
10 Burpees over Bar
F. Conditioning
10min EMOM:
20sec Max Cal Row
A. Correctives
Shoulder Sweeps
KB Arm Bar Row
B. Barbell Skill
Snatch Balance
*Build to a moderate triple. This is more so warmup for the next section
C. Weightlifting
12min to build to a heavy single
*Training single.
D. Metcon
7min AMRAP:
10 Power Snatches (75, 55)
10 Burpees over Bar
Sarah Schulz King says
A did HS against wall, but tried to hold feet away from wall for 10-15 sec each time
B 105 x 3
C 110- in class and 12 min is just too quick for me!
D did as partner WOD in 12 class- 7+10
E 70 total calories
Matt McDonald says
A. Done
B. No go
C. 95,115,135,145 all easy excited to try a 1rm soon
D. 190 PR
E. Screwed it up did 8 min AMRAP 7 and 7. 7 +2 reps Good wod tho
F. No go. Did a few sets of barbell curls
Karlie says
A. One
B. 10 sec hold was my best
C. 55#
D. 90#
E. Class WOD with Katie 7+12
Camille Goldman says
A. Done
B. Skipped – ran out of time
C. 80#
D. 100# PR
E. Class WOD with Sarah 7 + 10, I did 8 burpeess instead oops
F. 70 total Calorie row with Sarah