A. Correctives
2 Rounds of:
8 Straight Leg Sit-ups
10 Jane Fondas (per side)
20 Glute Bridges
B. Gymnastics + Warmup
8min Alt EMOM:
4-6 UB MUs
14 Pistols (alt)
*Complete russian dips if not able to complete MUs
C. Strength
Every 2min for 12min:
4 Tempo Back Squats
*4sec negative, 2 sec pause, explode to top. Across. Build to a heavy of 4 before starting E2MOM
D. Barbell Conditioning
3min EMOM:
20 DUs + 4 Squat Cleans (155, 105)
-rest 1min-
3min EMOM:
20 DUs + 3 Squat Cleans (185, 130)
-rest 1min-
3min EMOM:
20 DUs + 2 Squat Cleans (225, 155)
-rest 1 min-
3min EMOM:
20 DUs + 1 Squat Clean (265, 185)
*Pick weights that will allow for successful lifts
E. Conditioning
Air Bike
8 Rounds of:
40sec on
20sec off
*Score is lowest calories during any 40sec effort. Come out strong, but stay consistent
A. Correctives
2 Rounds of:
8 Straight Leg Sit-ups
10 Jane Fondas (per side)
20 Glute Bridges
B. Strength
Every 2min for 12min:
4 Tempo Back Squats
*4sec negative, 2 sec pause, explode to top. Across. Build to a heavy of 4 before starting E2MOM
C. Barbell Conditioning
3min EMOM:
20 DUs + 4 Squat Cleans (135, 95)
-rest 1min-
3min EMOM:
20 DUs + 3 Squat Cleans (155, 105)
-rest 1min-
3min EMOM:
20 DUs + 2 Squat Cleans (185, 130)
-rest 1 min-
3min EMOM:
20 DUs + 1 Squat Clean (225, 155)
*Pick weights that will allow for successful lifts
D. Conditioning
Air Bike
8 Rounds of:
40sec on
20sec off
*Score is lowest calories during any 40sec effort. Come out strong, but stay consistent
Sarah Schulz King says
Regional A, B, done
C @ 140#
D did Power Cleans for my back, 10 DUs bc they are slow… 85, 105, 120, 135
E 8 calories
Matt McDonald says
A. Done
B. Mups only
C. 205 across. Mean
D. No go, calfs are sore from shit pot of dubs Saturday
E. No go.
Camille Goldman says
A. Done
B. 120#
C. Done sets of 85, 95, 105, & 115
D. Done 50 calories total
30 Pull-ups and T2B