Competition {01/28/15}
AM Session:
5x250m Row @ 85-90% effort
*90sec walking rest between efforts
-rest 5min, then-
3x500m Row @ 85-90% effort
*2:30sec walking rest between efforts
-rest 5min, then-
1x1000m Row @ 85-90% effort
5 Rounds:
Min 1: ME Freestanding HS Hold
Min 2: ME UB Parallette L-Sit
Min 3: Rest
*Draw a 3′ by 3′ box for HS hold. If you come down kick back up and accumulate as much time as possible within the minute. For L-sit, simply give 1 max effort attempt each min
PM Session
Every 2min for 6min:
5 Push Jerk
Every 2min for 6min:
3 Push Jerk
Every 2min for 6min:
2 Push Jerk
*Build into a heavy set of 5, 3, 2
8 Rounds of:
Min1: 10 Burpee BJO (24, 20)
Min 2: 12 RKBS (70, 53)
Min 3: 14 KB Walking Lunges (53, 35)
5 Sets of:
10 Alt DB Presses at Extension (5/arm)
*Hold both DBs at full ext, then press the left DB, then the right DB.
Build into a heavy weight and maintain for all 5 sets. Focus on a good stacked position and keeping the rib cage down. 2min rest between sets.