Competition {02/11/15}

AM Session

4 Rounds of:
50 Cal Row
4min Walking Rest
*85% ME

5 Rounds:
Min1: ME UB Strict HSPU
MIn2: 30 Sec Hollow Body Rock
Min3: 15 GHD Hip Extensions
Min4: Rest

PM Session

Every 2min for 8min:
3 Push Jerks
Every 2min for 8min:
2 Push Jerks
*Pull from blocks. Build into a mod/heavy set of 3 and mod/heavy set of 2.

Front Squat
Build into a heavy set of 5
4×5 @ 90% of heavy 5

10min AMRAP:
5 C2B
5 Push-ups
5 Air Squats
1 C&J (185, 135)
5 C2B
5 Push-ups
5 Air Squats
2 C&J (185, 135)
… Continue to add 1 C&J every round until end of metcon