Competition (04/14/15)

Regional Prep

AM Session

Every 2min for 6 min:
3 Split Jerk
Every 2min for 8 min:
2 Split Jerk
*Pull from blocks. Build into a heavy double. Aim for 5-10lbs heavier on each set compared to last week.

5min EMOM:
3 Push Press
*Use the same weight as last week. We’re keeping the same reps, but shortening the rest interval

4 Rounds NFT:
6-8 GHRs
15 GHD Sit-ups

PM Session

For time:
100 DUs
50 Deadlifts (165, 115)
50 Box Jumps (24, 20)
50 KB Thrusters (35, 26)
50 Weighted Pistols (atl, 35, 26)
100 Ft Handstand Walk
*hold one kb in goblet position for pistols

5x500m Row
*2min rest between rounds. ME each row.