Competition (05/06/15)

Open Prep

Every 2min for 16min:
2 Hang Power Snatch
*Start moderate and build into a heavy-ish complex

Front Squat
3×8 [9]
*Go heavy! Add 5-10lbs compared to last week
-superset with-
Knee Planks
2x20sec hold between each set of Front Squats

Stationary Dips
3×18 [9]
-superset wtih-
Barbell Curls
3×12 [9]
*Add 5lbs to curls compared to last week

3 Rounds of:
Min 1: 10 Kipping HSPU
Min 2: 20 Pistols (alt)
Min 3: Rest

21-15-9 of:
Power Cleans (115, 75)
Burpees over Bar

Regional Prep

We will only be practicing the Regional WODs today with no additional programming. The plan will be to complete the last sets of Regional WODs tomorrow (Thu) granted they’re released tonight.


Regional Event 3
For time:
1-mile run
50 overhead squats (135 / 95)
100 GHD sit-ups
150 double-unders
50 sumo deadlift high pulls (135 / 95)
100 box jump overs (24 / 18)
*Move down the gym just like you’ll have to move down the floor for reps at regional. See Notes section on Games site for details.

5min R&R Row


Build into 85-90% of the snatch weight you plan to hit below. Your shoulders and core will be fatigued from handstand walk, so adjust accordingly.

Regional Events 4 & 5
Handstand walk 250 ft.
Time cap: 3 minutes
Event 5 begins 1 minute and 40 seconds after this event ends.
1-rep-max snatch
Each athlete will have two 20-second windows to attempt the lift with 80 seconds rest between windows.

10min Foam Rolling and Stretching