Open Prep
Clean & Jerk
Every 2min for 16min:
2 C&J
*Build into a heavy double
4×8 [8]
*Go up 5-10lbs compared to all sets last week
-superset with-
Strict Weighted Pull-ups
Strict Tempo Push-ups
*3sec negative, explode to the top on push-ups
-superset with-
Pause Ring Rows
3x 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 sec
*For ring rows. Pull to chest and hold for 6sec, return to bottom, pull to chest and hold for 5sec, return, 4sec, return, etc.
Granite Games Qualifier #1
10min AMRAP of:
5 Hang Squat Cleans (155, 105)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
chris redden says
A. 225
B. 185 & 35lb kettelbell (5 each)
C. done & 22
D. 6 rounds even, paced burpees to much
ran 1 mile for cash out
Matt McDonald says
Chris, the picture reminds me we have a potential future in the body building circuit. Nice double at 225!
Matt McDonald says
A. 135, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215×1.. 2nd rep was close
B. 155 and 50lbx5 each set
C. Done
D. Tomorrow morning