Open Prep:
Every 2min to 12min:
2 Split Jerk
*Build to a heavy double before starting EMOM, then maintain for all 6 sets
Push Press
4×4 @ 80%
1×10 @ 60%
10min Alt EMOM:
Odd: 6-8 HSPUs
Even: 12-15 T2B
*Try to go unbroken on both movements
6 Rounds of:
200m Run
5 Power Cleans (185, 130)
10 Wall Balls (20, 14)
Regional Prep
Behing Neck Push Jerk
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
*Start light and build to moderate
Every 2min for 14min:
1 Power Clean + 3 Push Jerk
*Build to a moderate weight. Something that is heavy but allows you to hit all 3 jerks quickly
-ss w-
Stoney Stretch
30/sec per side
*Between sets
6 Rounds of:
10 OHS (95)
10 C2B Pull-ups
400m Farmers Carry (AHAP)
*Go heavy but try not to sit down more than 10 times.
*You must make everything (2 attempts per set) above the dotted line to go beyond it.
Power Clean, below knee
Snatch Pull, 6s Down
For Time:
-10 HSPU
-20 Strict Pull Up
-40 RKBS
-800m Run
*14 min cap
Karlie says
A. Today was just bad. Jerks… Not a fan. I hit my 94% but I fell apart after.
B. 100#
C. 100# snatch pulls
D. 11:30 strict singles, 53# KB
Matt McDonald says
Open. Sore as hell but a really good training day!
A. 185 for all. Failed my very last jerk.
B. 170 for sets of 4. 135 for 10
C. I broke drywall Kipping hspu so stricting them today. 6,12-5,12-5,12-5,12-4,12
D. 18:15. Super happy with this considering yesterday’s metcon whiped me out like 90 secs into it.
Renee English says
A. Up to 135
B. 125-135#
C. 7:09 (c2b ub first 3 sets, then broke up w/kip bc of my sissy hands ripped)
D. (LeanX WOD: 3 rounds: 200m run, 20 T2b)
Chris Hall says
A skipped
C Hspu 8 each round T2b 15 each
D 14:50
Didn’t have enough time to do A and B
Camille Goldman says
Agree with Matt sore today, but a good day.
A. 105#, 110#, 115#, 120# PR! Getting stronger and it was easy😀.
B. 85# and 75#
C. 2 mats on HSPU 🙁 , but kipping T2B was good.
D. 8:38 95# cleans