Competition {11/26/14}
Every 2:30sec for 15min:
3 Tap-n-go Push Jerks
*Pull from a rack or blocks. The idea is to jerk, catch, and fire immediately into the next jerk. Start moderate and build into a heavy triple.
Weighted C2B Pull-ups
5, 5, 3, 3, 3
*2min rest between rounds
AHAP Each Set. Hold holly body position. Pause for 2sec at the bottom of each rep. No kipping.
Bent Over Barbell Rows
*Aim for 5-10lbs heavier than last week.
-superset with-
4×10 GHD Sit-ups
3 Rounds of:
500m Row
30 Lateral Jumps Over Rower
20 KB Walking Lunges (35, 26)
10 KB Thrusters (35, 26)
*4min rest after each round