Competition {11/29/14}

Every 2:30sec for 15min:
2 Power Snatch
*Build into a heavy double. These are not tap-n-go. Drop and reset.

Snatch Grip Deadlift
*Jump 10lbs each set to build into a heavy set of 5

4 Rounds of:
30sec L-Hold from pull-up bar
30sec rest
30sec Sorensen Hold (25, 15)
30sec rest
*For Sorensen hold place GHD at glute/ham’ raise position, and hold a plate across the chest with your torso parallell to ground.

For Time:
60 DUs
50 Pistols (alt)
40 AKBS (53, 35)
30 Burpees
20 T2B
10 Manmakers (55, 35)
20 T2B
30 Burpees
40 AKBS (53, 35)
20 T2B
50 Pistols (alt)
60 DUs