Competition (11/30/15)


A. Gymnastics
3 Rounds of:
Min 1: 30 Sec HS Hold
Min 2: 3 FL Lowering
Min 3: 12 Cal Row
*Back facing wall on HS Hold

B. Weightlifting
6min EMOM:
3 TnG Power Cleans
*Build to a heavy set of 3 before starting EMOM and maintain for all 6 sets

C. Strength Work
Slow Negative + Pause
Front Squat
2 @ 60
2 @ 65
2 @ 70
3×2 @ 75
*4 sec negative, 2 sec pause, then explode from bottom.

D. Accessory
Turkish Get-Up
5×3 per side
*Bottoms up KB

E. Metcon
10min AMRAP:
12 Power Snatches (75, 55)
40 DUs

F. Conditioning
4x400m Sprints
*3min rest between efforts



A. Strength Work
Slow Negative + Pause
Front Squat
2 @ 60
2 @ 65
2 @ 70
3×2 @ 75
*4 sec negative, 2 sec pause, then explode from bottom.

B. Accessory
Turkish Get-Up
5×3 per side
*Bottoms up KB

C. Metcon
10min AMRAP:
12 Power Snatches (75, 55)
40 DUs

D. Conditioning
4x400m Sprints
*3min rest between efforts