A. Gymnastics + Warmup
4 Rounds NFT:
5 Candlesticks
20 Pistols
40 DUs
B. Weightlifting
15min to build to a heavy training single
C. Metcon
4min AMRAP of:
10 Snatches (115, 80)
10 Burpees Over the Bar
-rest 3min-
4min AMRAP of:
8 Snatches (115, 80)
12 Burpeers Over Bar
-rest 3min-
4min AMRAP of:
6 Snatches (115, 80)
14 Burpees Over Bar
*Rx+ (135, 95)
*Record Score for each AMRAP
D. Accessory
4 Rounds NFT:
15 GHD Sit-ups
15 Reverse Hypers
*Sub 6-8 Glute Ham Raises if you don’t have access to a reverse hyper
Chris Hall says
A done
B 135
C rx + 135. 2+6. 2+3 2+5
Sarah Schulz King says
A done
B sucked, hip not extending
C did it at 85#
D done…
Not the best day