Competition {12/8/14}
**This is the beginning of a new cycle. We’ll be upping the conditioning volume as well as beginning to implement heavier loads at a quicker tempo and within metcons.**
4 Rounds:
Min 1: 6-8 Strict T2B
Min 2: Freestanding HS Hold
Min 3: 50 DUs
Min 4: Rest
*Accumulate as much fresstanding HS hold as possible within the minute. If you fail, kick back up.
Front Squat
5 @ .75
5 @ .80
5 @ .85
Every 90sec for 12min
5 Hang Power Cleans
*Keep these clean. Be ready to pull quickly after bringing the bar back to the hip. Don’t spend a lot of time reseting grip and prepping for the next rep.
Build into a heavy weight and mantain for all 6 sets.
7x100m Prowler Sprint (140, 90)
*2min rest between efforts