Competition {8/26/18}

Every 2min for 10min:
High Hang Snatch X 3
.60, .65, .70, .75, .75
*Pause in power position for 2 sec & catch for 2 sec

Every 2min for 10min:
Split Jerk + 5 Presses
*Build into a heavy set.
* Start with a split jerk. Then hold the split position and complete 5 presses.

Close Grip Bench Press
5 @ .50
3 @ .65
3 @ .75
2 @ .80
1 @ .85
1 @ .90
1 @ .95
1 @ 100-105
1 @ 100-105
*16″ thumb-to-thumb. Keep shoulders down and back, and elbows in tight

Good Mornings
3×10 (5-10 lbs heavier than last week)
-superset with-
GHD Sit-ups

Rowing Capacity Tests:
15 sec row for meters
-rest 4min-
30sec row for meters
-rest 4min-
60sec row for meters

*Use a damper setting of 10 for all 3 tests. Also, rest the full 4min. For the 30sec and 60sec test use a countdown clock on the monitor so that your meters stop as soon as the time is up. We’d do this for the 15sec as well, but the shortest workout we can create on the monitor is 20sec.