Competition {9/15/14}
Every 90sec for 12min:
Halting Snatch DL + Snatch
*start moderate and build into a heavy complex. Pause for 2sec below knee, above knee, and in power positions. Reset, then pull for snatch.
10min EMOM:
High Hang Clean w/ pause in bottom.
*Pause in the catch postion for 2 sec. Back straight, knees wide, and elbows high. Stay light. Build into approx 65% of your 1RM clean
Front Squat
8, 6, 4, 2, 15
*2min rest between sets
3 Rounds NFT of:
10 Good Mornings (AHAP)
6-8 Strict T2B (3120)
*be sure to hit the tempo listed above on your T2B. 3 sec down, 1 sec in bottom, 2 sec up, O sec at top
Every 3min for 12min:
12 Pistols (Alt)
6 C2B
*Scale to a box if you’re not able to do pistols. If you’re getting stuck on HSPU, scale to an ab mat.