
Louisville, New Albany – LeanX

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(No Measure)

400m Run

ROM drills


Metcon (Weight)

12min to complete:

3×5 negatives (pull-ups)

3×10 DB Front Squats (work up to AHAP)

3×45 sec hollow body hold


Metcon (Time)

In teams of two, with only one partner working at a time, complete:

100 Burpees

100 Dumbbell Snatch

100 Box Jump Overs

Teammates may partition reps however they’d like, but the non-working partner must be in the designated resting position in order for the reps to count torwards their total. Designated resting positions:

Burpees – Dumbbell extended overhead

Dumbbell Snatch – Hanging from a Pull-Up Bar

Box Jump Overs – Plank

*25min cap