Meet 4B member: Eric Allen!
Eric started his on-ramp classes at Four Barrel in September of 2014, and has been regularly attending class for the past 3.5 years since then. Here a little more of Eric’s 4B story:
1. Why Four Barrel?
“At 4B, I there is a great mix of caring coaches, a learning environment, good community, and healthy competition that challenges a person everyday. I always look forward to exercising with my 4B Family.”
2. What is your favorite CrossFit movement or WOD?
” Rowing –who would’ve guessed that, huh? There is something about the rower that is so intriguing. It’s mechanically simple, yet the inner workings appear to be a black box. It wasn’t until I was unable to run for a year (thanks, plantar fasciitis), that I really began to row; I worked through a rowing program while learning about the mechanics. And though my own body mechanics will always need improving, knowing more about the rowing machine’s mechanics allows me to squeeze more results out of my own effort. It is a powerful tool for boosting endurance. When I was finally able to run again, the rowing pushed my metcon endurance well beyond what I thought was possible.”
3. What is a goal you are currently working toward?
“As of 2015, I had completed two huge goals of returning to college and completing an engineering degree, then pushing through the examination to obtain professional licensure. My current goal is to become a subject matter expert in my field, which is a long process. I am an advocate of progress. It is only by learning to think critically that the world’s problems can be solved. Critical thinking is self-correcting, and it guides the best path to reaching goals both personal and global. It begins with oneself. ”
4. What is the most rewarding part of doing CrossFit?
“There are two rewarding parts to CrossFit. I have struggled with my weight most of my life. While diet and exercise have always been in my regimen, CrossFit has brought everything together. My understanding has truly come full circle, and for this I am grateful. Really, Case and the rest of the 4B coaches have made the best experience for me. Had this place been uninviting or poorly ran, I may have given up on CrossFit sometime ago. Secondly, it gives me a chance to make friends. Let’s face it; most engineers are somewhat isolated amongst their colleagues and seem strange to everyone else. Most of my friends have kids and other commitments. 4B is a place to make friends of many different backgrounds and professions. I want to be here.”
5. What 3 things would you take with you on a deserted island, and why?
“A large knife and a hatchet as essential survival tools, and a satellite phone for when I’ve had enough.”
People like Eric are what makes the community of Four Barrel what it is. We love how CrossFit has the ability to bring people from all different backgrounds together as a team. Thanks to Eric Allen for sharing part of his journey, and trusting us to lead and guide him in his fitness endeavors.
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