It all began with Zumba. My husband, Nick, had been doing Crossfit for a year and desperately wanted me to give it a chance. Since his friend Case was opening up a Crossfit gym in our area, Nick pushed even harder to get me to try. I finally gave in but only after striking up a deal. Nick had to go to Zumba and I had to go to the 101 classes. Let’s just take a moment and appreciate that mental picture of Nick at Zumba. 😉
Before starting Crossfit I wasn’t interested in barbells or even a rig. I thought it was intimidating! I was active but never anything remotely like this. Like most people I worried about what I looked like or what I couldn’t do, but soon found that as long as I focused on myself everything else fell into place. I firmly believe that there is no other gym like Four Barrel. Case and his team are literally changing people’s lives, and it’s cool to be in the position to watch it all play out.
While attending Four Barrel I have learned to be proud of my hard earned strength. That is my favorite thing about Crossfit. It makes me feel strong in every part of my life. It’s amazing to see the things you can do with your body when you set your mind to it. Being strong was never a priority; how I looked was what I worried about. Now I’ve discovered the love of the everyday functional strength I have gained- and that’s what I want to pass on to my daughter- being strong and healthy is what we should chase after, not being skinny or fitting into a certain size or mold.
Throughout my five years with our gym, I have been through many ups and downs. We added two more kids, a new job for Nick, more hours at work for me, and life in general. It’s sometimes hard for me to get to the gym because my family will always come first, but everyday that I can’t make it I miss it. I was able to do Crossfit throughout my third pregnancy until a few weeks before giving birth. The coaching staff was amazing and supportive. It was my third c-section, yet my recovery was astoundingly easy compared to the prior ones.
In the last year because of family and work it has been best for me to go to the Lean-X classes Four Barrel offers. I cannot say enough positive things about that class. I was leery and sad to leave the barbell behind at first, then quickly found these workouts to be just as intense, and the people are just as great. The community in our gym makes us what we are. I have made so many friends and have been cheered for by others even when I’m the last to finish (especially if I’m running ;). If you are intimidated to try Crossfit, don’t be. We all have to start somewhere and all of us are struggling through the workout even if you think we make it look easy. And last thing I have to say: I love this place and these people.
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