New Albany, Friday, 05/11/18


*Deload Week

Power Clean
10min to build to a moderate single
*No sloppy reps. Coach will send you home if so 😉

15min AMRAP:
3 Power Cleans
200m Suitcase Carry (53, 35)
*Power Cleans @ 70% of today’s single



3 Rounds NFT:
10 Single Leg Goblet Squat (R)
10 Single Leg Goblet Squat (L)
30s False Grip Hang (rings)
*Rest as needed between movements and sets.



“The Joey 45”
400m Run
45 Pull ups
400m Run
45 Wall Balls
400m Run
45 Sit Ups
400m Run
45 Burpees



  • Whole30 Pitch-In and Going Away Party for Cory – This Friday at 7:30pm, at 4B New Albany. Bring Whole30 and non-Whole30 dishes. Challenge rules kick-off Monday, 5/14. 
  • Special Family Mother’s Day WOD Sunday (5/13) at 1:00pm! Bring the whole fam! The WOD will be friendly for all ages.
  • Whole30 rules go into effect on Monday (5/14)!