New Albany, Friday, 08/10/18


*Base Week

Back Squat
15 Minutes to:
Build to a Moderate / Heavy 3

2 Rounds:  
1 Minute ME at Each Station

1. Pistols
2. Burpees
3. DUs
4. Rest

*score is reps of each movements for both rounds – so a score for Pistols, Burpees, and DUs separately



A. Muscle Up Strength / Progressions
3 Rounds:
2x15s Table Top Holds
ME False Grip Ring Pull-ups
ME Strict Ring Dips

B. Core
3 Rounds:
20 KB Side Crunches
10 Weighted GHD Hip Ext
10 GHD Sit-ups


A. Teams of 3:
90-60-30 of:
Cal Bike
Double KB Deadlifts (53,35)
Tuck Ups

B. Cash Out:
Death By:
Burpee T2B