New Albany, Friday, 09/14/18
*Build Week
For time:
w/ a partner
800m Farmer Carry (53, 35)
50 Pull-ups
100 Partner Burpees
100 Wall Balls (20, 14)
50 T2B
800m Farmer Carry
*30min cap. One partner working at a time.
**Rx+ (70, 53)
MU Prog + Accessory
4 Rounds:
8 False Grip Supine Ring Rows
25s Ring Support Hold
8 Ring Push-ups
*Feet on box for Supine RR. Focus on externally rotating fists and pulling shoulder away from ears at the top of your ring push-ups
B. 2 Rounds:
Min 1: 30sec DB Bicep Curls
Min 2: 30sec Banded Lat Pull-downs
Min 3: 30sec Bodyweight Tricep Ext
A. 7 Min Movement Flow
10 Blackburns
10 Alternating Swimmers
10 Scorpians
10 Heel Drops/Leg
10 Knee to Chest with Kick up
10 Sec Pigeon Stretch
10 Ankle bounces
B. 5 Sets:
10 Ring Rows
right into…
ME Ring Row Hold
-Rest 30sec b/t-
C. 10 Min AMRAP:
5 Pull Ups
10 SA RKBS (53, 35)
15 Goblet Marches/Side
20 Double Unders
D. Finisher: 3 ME Wall walk holds