New Albany, Monday, 02/25/19

*CF Open Week 2

EMOM x 6:
2 Power Snatch
*across, light to moderate

6 Rounds
8 Hang Power Cleans (115, 75)
8 Burpees over Bar
1 min rest
*RX + (135, 95#)


A. Movement Flow
2 Rounds: 
2 Laps 
10 Trunk Twists 
10 Rockbacks 
10 Scorpions
10 X Push Ups 
10 Sec Tabletop Hold 

B. 8 Mins to complete 3 Rounds: 
10 Barbell Rollouts 
10 Weighted Glute Bridges 
30 Sec Superman hold

C.With Partner For Time: 
60 Jumping Lunges
40 L-Sit DB Press (25, 20) 
20 Devils Press 
1000m Row 
20 Devils Press 
40 L-Sit DB Press 
60 Jumping Lunges