New Albany, Monday, 08/13/18


*Build Week – Be smart. Limit your load and intensity in preparation for Testing Week (aka PR Week) in 2 weeks!

4 Rounds for time of:
800m Run
20 Tuck-ups
16 KB FR Forward Lunges (35, 26)
12 DB Snatches (50, 35)
*8 R, then 8 L on lunges
*Pregnant mod: 40 total DB OH marches (20/side) (light weight) in place of tuck-ups



A. Behind Neck Push Press
*Start light and build to a moderate load

B. Snatch Lift-Off
*Across, light. Hold a tight set-up position for 2sec, lift off to just above knee and hold for 2sec.

B. Power Snatch, Hip
*2sec pause. Start light and build to a moderate load. Hold power position for 2sec, and then explode out by driving feet through the floor.



A. 4B Movement Flow
10min for Quality:
10 Down Dog Heel Drops
10 Sec Seal Pose
10 Bird Dogs
10 Rockbacks
10 Side Plank with rotations (5/side)
10 Supermans
10 Knee Hug Rocks

B. 7 Min Ladder:
1 RKBS (53,35)
1 Goblet Squat (53,35)
1 Weighted Sit up w/ KB

-2 Min Rest-

C. 5 Min Ladder:
1 KB Deadlift (53,35)
1 Air Squat
1 Sit up

D. 3 Min EMOM:
30 Sec Hollow Body Hold
30 Sec Tuck Ups