New Albany, Monday, 10/15/18
4 Rounds of:
Min 1: DB Snatch (50, 35)
Min 2: Burpees
Min 3: Goblet Step-Ups (35, 26, knee height)
Min 4: Bike (cal)
Min 5: Rest
*score is total combined reps
A. 10min EMOM:
Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
B. Clean Pulls
4×4 @ 95% of Power Clean Max
A. 5 Min Movement Flow
10 Head Nods (L+R/Up + Down)
10 BlackBurns
10 Prone T’s and Y’s
10 Alt. Swimmers
B. Gymnastics
5 Sets:
5 Banded Pull ups
20 Band Pull Aparts
C. For Time:
25 Burpee Wall Balls
50 Sit Ups
25 Burpee T2B
- The lululemon Invitational is this Friday 10/19 from 6:30-9:30pm. Come party it up at 4B New Albany with your local CrossFit community as coaches from 5 area gyms compete in 4 workouts!
- Freaky Friday Night Lights (at 4B East) – Friday, 10/26, 6:30pm
- 4B Internal Weightlifting Meet – Saturday, 11/3, 9am
- 4B Christmas Party – Saturday, 12/8, 7pm