New Albany, Saturday, 08/11/18


*Base Week

Benchmark Saturday
5 Rounds for time of:

12 Deadlift
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Push Jerk

Beg: 95, 65
Int (RX) 135, 95
Adv (RX+) 155, 105



A. 30-60min Road Bike
*Sub 25min Air Bike if you don’t have access to a road bike.



A. 90 Secs on; 30 sec rest X 4
100m Sprint
ME Walking Lunges in remaining time

B. 90 Sec on; 30 sec rest X 4
10 Cal Row
ME Wall Balls in remaining time

C. Cash Out:
For Time:
15 Tire Flips
30 Tire Jump
15 Tire Flips