New Albany, Saturday, 11/17/18


*Performance Week

Partner WOD:
16 min AMRAP
100 DB Squat Cleans (50, 35#)
100 Cal Row
100 HRPU



Aerobic Conditioning
100 ft Double KB Front Rack Carry (35, 27#)
70 cal Bike
150 ft DK FR Carry
60 cal
200 ft DK FR Carry
50 cal
250 ft DK FR Carry
40 cal


A. 5 Mins; 5 Reps Each
Chalk Angels
Supine Rolls

B. 25 Min AMRAP with Partner:
2000m Row
30 Burpees Over Rower
40 Sit Ups
30 Pull Ups
200 Double Unders OR Singles



  • Our Longevity class kicked off last week. It takes place Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3pm. We already have some regular attendees who are enjoying the program but we’d like to grow the crew. This is a great program for the mature athlete looking for a scaled back version of our CrossFit classes. First week is free, and athletes can start anytime!
  • Save the Date! The 4B Holiday Party is Saturday, December 8th at 7:00pm. We’ve partnered with Necco this year (a local Foster Care Organization). Entry to the party will require a $10 ticket with all proceeds going to provide holiday gifts for foster children. There will also be a $5 raffle at the party – With a catch! – Your 4B coaches will complete 1 burpee for every dollar raised through the raffle.