New Albany, Thursday, 03/01/18

2018 CF Open, Week 2 – Maintenance / Performance Week*

For time:
100 Box Step Ups (24, 20)
80 Sit Ups
60 SA KB Swings (53, 35#)
40 Target Burpees
20 Ring Push Ups



Rest or Rejuvenation



A. 5 Min AMRAP x 4
20 Alt V-ups
15 KB Front Rack Marches/Side
10 KB Hang Power Cleans/Side
5 KB Front Rack Split Squats/Side

-Rest 1 Min B/T AMRAPS-

B. Cash Out:
2 Rounds:
Foam Roll Lats x 30 Sec/Side
Bretzle Stretch x 30 Sec/Side
Couch Stretch x 30 Sec/Side



Tomorrow’s specialty class (Thu at 5pm) is “Supple Shoulders” – This is a full program designed to create flexible, stable, and strong shoulders. Odds are, if you’re an adult in the US, you need this program. Help correct poor posture, stiff / weak shoulders, tight pecs, and a rounded upper spine. If you sit at a desk, on a couch, or in the car for hours a day, this program is for you!